Friday, June 29, 2007

We are all One

A couple of days ago, I saw a movie called "One" (Todos Somos Uno, in Spanish). It's actually a documentary made by some amateurs who knew nothing about making films, but went out to the world and made one anyway. A great one, actually. This film is about the meaning of life, Oneness, and the rich tapestry of diversity that permeates this planet, like a web. I really really recommend it. Each and every one of us should watch it. You can find it in Blockbuster.

But what I wanted to post here are the words of one of the persons who appears on this film: Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev. They asked him about Oneness, about Unity, and he answered something that moved me deeply, and I thought, well, if we all could see Life like this, that would be the end of violence.
Here are his words:

"We are all unique. Each one of us is different. And it's so wonderful that we're different. We may spring from the same Oneness but, as human beings, as
individuals, every one of us is unique. We are different. That's what is beautiful about us.

So, at least, let's enjoy the difference. If you learn to enjoy the difference, if you see that every human being is a unique human being... Only once in the whole eternity, only once this kind of human being happens. You cannot find exactly this kind of human being anywhere else in the existence, anytime in eternity. Only once. That is true with yourself, with your friend, with your enemy, with your loved ones and the ones you hate. All of them are absolutely unique.

Anything that you see as unique, you value it. Anything that you value, you have no problems with it. And Oneness will happen out of that.

If you being to enjoy the uniqueness of life, Oneness will happen out of that."

And just to finish, I also want to share with you the words of another person, a writer called Frank M. Robinson, who wrote one of my favorites novels: The dark beyond the stars. He said: "If we are alone in the universe, with what respect should we treat each other and the rest of the life forms that inhabit the fragile Earth?". I would only add: Even if we are not alone in the universe... Life is still precious and rare, don't you think?

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Wolf in a cage...

I've been feeling restless these last weeks. And a little confused. A series of unfortunate (or fortunate) events forced me to look at my own reflection and I didn't like what I saw at all. It shattered my beliefs, my self-image, and I've been trying to reconstruct myself since then. Not an easy thing to do.

I have this anxiety crawling in my stomach that comes and goes... like I knew, somehow, that after everything that has happened, something is going change soon, a big change in my life, a good one. Yes, maybe it's more like expectation. I feel like a wolf trapped inside a cage that is now too small for her. I walk from side to side, looking for a way out, yearning to run free across the forests, under the Moon, howling like a wild woman.

And on top of everything, a pair of blue eyes has crawled inside my dreams lately. But they seem so far away, those blue eyes. And so inviting and worth exploring. I really want to plunge into them and let myself go. They make me want to do crazy things, hehehe. Let's see what happens. Maybe it's time for an adventure.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Drunken problem

I have a little problem. I have to make an exercise for my novel workshop about the internal monologue of a drunken character who, for any reason I can think of, has lost the love of his/her life. I have no issues with internal monologues; the thing is, I have no idea how a drunken person thinks, having never been really drunk myself.
Now, a lot of ideas come into my mind, but they come from movies or TV, or real drunks I have seen during my life, but (another one) I haven't been inside their minds. I can write about how they talk, which may very well be exactly the same thing as how they think. After all, they say that children and drunks always tell the truth, so, maybe what they say is exactly what they are thinking.
So, if you, my kind reader, have ever been drunk and broken-hearted at the same time, I could use your help. Thanks a lot! Your experience is invaluable to me. ;)

I'll start again with a brand new name...

I've decided to create a new blog; one that's only about me. I have another one: that's mainly about vegetarianism, ecology and animal rights and it's great! (Check it out if you haven't). But sometimes I need to talk about something else, about myself, and that other blog doesn't inspire me. So, here is a new one. Hope you'll like it.

And yes, I'll mostly write in English because, let's face it, it's the language my head uses most of the time and I like it. Maybe when I learn French a little better, I'll use it too and then you'll be reading entries in three different languages, lol.

Well, gotta go for now. I need to edit my blog. À bientôt! hahaha.