Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The soundtrack of my life...

For the past 3 weeks, it seems everytime something happens to me, I found a phrase or an entire verse in one of Alanis Morissettte's songs that fits perfectly with what I am living or feeling. It's rather strange, you know... the soundtrack of my life right now is based entirely in her music.

There is so much strength, so much honesty, and light in her words...

"You see everything, you see every part
You see all my light and you love my dark
You dig everything of what I'm ashamed
There's not anything to which you can't relate
And you're still here..."

That's for you, my beloved... wherever you may be... Thank you.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

El amante que necesito...

Esta mañana, hojeando una revista, me encontré con un artículo llamado "Sexy Zodiaco: tu guía astrológica completa para el amor, la sensualidad y el sexo." Lo más curioso de todo es que me describieron a la perfección, muahaha. Creo que sí soy bastante Tauro.

Bueno, el caso es que venía una sección que se llama El amante que necesitas (dícese pareja) y eso es lo que les voy a poner aquí, nada más para que chequen:

"El hombre con el que te comprometas debe hacerte sentir segura, deseas sentirte protegida y mimada. Él debe ser alguien confiable, debe mantener sus promesas y mostrar su lado sensible. Si le gustan los niños, será un gran punto a su favor. Definitivamente necesitas un amante hábil con un equipo físico generoso (jajajaja, lo siento, me dio mucha risa cuando leí eso) y, aunque te cueste admitir tu lado materialista, algo que no pasarás por alto es que sus ingresos también deberán ser generosos."

¿Cómo ven? jeje

Bueno, así que ya sabes, si cumples con estas características... búscame ;) jajajajaja.

P.D.- Creo que olvidaron poner que debe ser increíblemente guapo jijiji... Sí, ya sé... no quiero pavo también? Pues no, gracias, no como carne :P

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Why cant we make this darkness feel like home...

I don't understand. Nothing makes any sense right now... Could someone please explain it to me? Could someone give me an answer, a meaning to this all? 'Cause my brain is so full of fog I just can't listen to myself...

Every freaking breath burns me like hell...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Starry-eyed me?

Hell, yeah. I am a starry-eyed fallen angel, so what? My eyes see into infinity and I like to fall apart. Does anyone have a problem with that?

This doesn't make me less wise or more unstable. It just makes me who I am, who I really am. I'm an freaking romantic: always reaching out for the unattainable, the mistery, the Night... the dark beyond the stars.

The voice of a thousand drums calls me into the wild, into His forest... into His arms. This longing for Him is ever present and I can't get rid of it. But it's just part of who I am too.

So I may be lost right now... or maybe I'm just shedding my old and now useless skin. And it's a painful process and it takes a lot of courage and strength to do it. And sometimes I get really tired, cause it seems the old skin is heavier than I thought... and other times it feels like that old skin is safer than the new one. But I don't want it anymore. It wasn't my own skin in the first place.

So, yeah, everything's a little messy right now. My feet are in the mud but my eyes are in the stars. And my heart is bleeding, beating, calling for you...

"The rhythm of this trembling heart is beating like a drum... it beats for you, it bleeds for you... it knows not how it sounds... for it is the drum of drums... it is the song of songs..." -A.L.-

Starry-eyed me? But of course... I am an entire universe walking on this planet... When was it otherwise?