Monday, October 27, 2008

A year later...

Wow, it's already been a year since that fateful october when I started to change and move my life forward. So many things have happened since, some extremely good, some really bad but good in the end, since they are all lessons I needed, and still need, to learn. So many chains I have broken, some are still here, not letting me move freely. There's still so much fear and insecurity in my bones but they are so much stronger at the same time... and wiser.

I know who I am but I'm such a complex and sometimes contradictory creature that I get lost in myself now and then and feel confused. But this is who I am, and I am beautiful and strong and bright. I'm full of love and light and darkness, of passion and fire, of anger and pain and laughter. My soul is a universe of symbols and stars, forests and stories, yearnings, despair and hope... and sometimes only silence.

Yes, it's been one of the most interesting years of my life and I have never felt so alive.

P.S.: this october has been pretty good too. I just love this freaking month.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I hear your voice in the wind...

What's this desire that burns me up from the inside?
I don't know you, yet I have known you for centuries...

I yearn to look into your eyes again,
to see your love for me in there setting my soul on fire,
to feel your arms around me, your lips crushing mine...

But you are not here, not where I can touch you, nowhere near me yet...

And I despair...

Friday, October 10, 2008

What the hell?

Ok, you start to think that something must be really wrong when the alternate, imaginary life that you have so carefully constructed sucks just as much as your real life. What the hell am I talking about, you may wonder.... but nevermind, just believe me, everything is a double mess when not even your imagination lets you escape into a wonderful, perfect world. In fact, it sucks when that alternate life is depressing you just as much as your "real" one... or even more. Oh, well, that's what I get for wanting something so bad. I feel like screaming and punching something, which I probably won't do unless I put on some howling music to tear my throat. Ok, Im gonna stop now with the nonsense.

Just one more thing: I'm so hating him right now. I just want to slap some sense into his invisible brain...
(One of the greatest lines in a movie in the history of the world deserves to be put in here: YOU FUUUCK!! YOU FUCKING FUCK!! YOU FUCKING FUUUUCCCKKK!!! WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!??! -Lord of War, courtesy of Jared Leto's beautiful acting.)

Nonsense mode = OFF

Monday, October 6, 2008

Got to remember this always...

  • No te contentes con menos de lo que realmente deseas.
  • Cuídate de aceptar ofrecimientos de seguridad y tranquilidad a expensas de tu propia libertad creadora. Tan pronto cambies tu libertad por la ilusión de la seguridad, te será difícil recuperar esa libertad.
  • Sigue el impulso de tu corazón y recibirás bendiciones y favores inesperados.