Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A post from Mraz I want to share with you.

"Top 5 Conversations Worthy of My Commitment in 2010

# 5: Buy Local or Die: I Will Support Natural & Organic Food Sources

Did you know that processing one pound of meat requires 5000 gallons of water? Did you know that 1 cow used to produce fast food and grocery store ground beef requires 35 gallons of oil (1 barrel) to support it’s force–fed life? Did you know that cows are natural herbivores (grass grazers) and are force fed corn feed, cow parts and other animal bi-products to speed up the process to where they are fat enough to be slaughtered? Did you know that for a cow to not die in this process, a cow that sleeps in its own manure, is pumped full of antibiotics and other drugs to stay “healthy?” The chemical waste of a cow is no longer suitable as fertilizer as it would kill the plants. Cow piss is toxic and of course floats downstream throughout the food chain in all forms, one way or another, to us. When you buy this meat, you are supporting a Military’s action for oil in the Middle East. You are supporting pharmaceutical companies as well as the unethical and environmentally hazardous treatment of the only home we have. Buying quick and easy meat is like biting the hand that feeds you. Modern industrial agri-business is THE #1 contributor to the dying world.

It doesn’t just stop in the beef business. Every kind of processed food that comes from a factory farm is a derivative of genetically modified corn – the growing and manufacturing of which destroys soils, covering ground with chemical fertilizers made up of ammunition seeping downward, polluting the water table, or evaporating into the air causing acid rain and adding more heavy metals to the overheated global climate crisis.

Pretty much all of the food not found in the produce section of a grocery store has no nutritional value. You’d be better off eating cardboard. Even our non-organic produce puts up with a lot of bad juju before it ever leaves the farm. This is why I choose to live on raw, organic, live or concentrated foods (powdered foods i.e. from Healthforce Nutritionals and Sunrider Brands.) Even farmed fish are forced to eat corn and are also pumped full of medicine to ensure it survives the journey (somewhat) to your dinner plate.

There is another story here about the kind of dinnerware we use. Are you using Styrofoam or Plastic Plates and Cups? Because only the most arrogant of Kings would use synthetic table settings just once before throwing them away. The more we use them, the less safe our soil and seas are as these materials fail to biodegrade adding, yep, more toxic uh-oh to our ground, river, and drinking water.

Last centuries’ ideas for efficiency (created to keep companies like McDonalds and our Military thriving) have screwed farmers and only fattened the now cancer haunted consumer. In the new decade ahead, we either boldly adopt new practices or bravely continue down the path to forgive and forget and hope that what we eat doesn’t kill us.

In addition to raising your voice about global health and environmental concerns, YOU CAN VOTE WITH YOUR FORK. The way we consume WILL dictate where and how our food is grown. Our role can be the greatest in the food chain if we pause and say a blessing once in a while, acknowledging the food itself and those who grew it, packaged and delivered it, making it safe and possible for you to eat.

If we all shifted our attention back to grass-fed meat, we would be supporting farms that participate in a natural turning of land, from sunlight to grass, grass to proteins, protein to fertilizer, rinse and repeat. Not to mention, we would be treating our divine bodies better.

Buying organic produce makes a powerful statement about how you prefer your food grown - by people, without the use of chemicals. The Best Fertilizer is a Farmer’s Footsteps. And the best place to stock your kitchen is your local Farmers Market where you can actually talk to the farmer and his wife.

This Year I Resolve to Buy Local, to Buy Organic, and to lend my voice and practices to the Family Farmers who need us."

For more info, check out his blog: http://freshnessfactorfivethousand.blogspot.com/
You won't regret it.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sweet Darkness

When your eyes are tired
the world is tired also.

When your vision has gone
no part of the world can find you.

Time to go into the dark
where the night has eyes
to recognize its own.

There you can be sure
you are not beyond love.

The dark will be your womb

The night will give you a horizon
further than you can see.

You must learn one thing:
the world was made to be free in.

Give up all the other worlds
except the one to which you belong.

Sometimes it takes the darkness and the sweet
confinement of your aloneness
to learn

anything or anyone
that does not bring you alive

is too small for you.

~David Whyte~

[Thank you for sharing this with me, brother. I love you.]

Sunday, August 2, 2009


"Cada ser humano es un ermitaño condenado a vivir acurrucado en el caparazón de su identidad. La única oportunidad que tiene que abrir su alma y salir de este capullo es entregarse al ser amado... para reinventarse mutuamente".

-Jean-Claude Kaufmann-

Thursday, May 7, 2009

To anyone...

I just read this and I loved it SO much I had to blogged it... Check it out.

"TO anyone,
For the ones who look to the sky and imagine the possibilities. To the one’s who look at a pile of discarded garbage on the side of the road, and see art. To the one’s who often feel overwhelmed by the beauty of other people. To the one’s who write, and paint, and think. To the one’s who hate humanity, yet love it to death. To the one’s who feel too strongly and love too deeply. To the one’s who stay up late with heads filled and minds yearning. To the one’s who drink life in and spit it out.
To the one’s who see the opportunity to create something new, where others see just another blank canvas. To the one’s who cry and laugh and scream and rejoice. To the ones who hope and the ones who hold on.
Never stop dreaming. Never stop hoping and wishing. Never stop creating and never stop loving. Never stop screaming. Never stop feeling. Never stop searching. Never stop looking at the sky and marveling at beauty. Never stop holding on.
For when we do, the world will surely collapse."

-Robert Pattinson-

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009

Another one...

"... some things aren't any good unless they're shared. Sitting up all night would be pointless if somebody you loved wasn't sitting up with you, picking out music to play and helping you kill the bourbon. Walking by yourself in the rain is for college kids who think loneliness makes poets."

-Peter S. Beagle. A fine and private place.-

And another:

"...Why sould love be remembered any longer than any of the others?'
'Because we need it more', he said. 'Because without it, there is nothing left of us. Loving each other, we last a little longer before we forget even that we lived once. Knowing ourselves loved makes us almost human for a little time."

-Peter S. Beagle. A fine and private place.-

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Just a little synchronicity for today...

Just some words from my friend Shannon Leto that somehow rang a bell inside of me:

To change it takes a decision based on faith; faith takes forgetting everything you thought you knew...S.L.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

This hurt...

"... That kind don't kill themselves. They live in hope, waiting for a phone call, or a telegram, or a letter, or a knock on the door, or running into someone on the street who will see how beautiful they really are. They think about killing themselves, but then they might not be able to answer the phone."

-Peter S. Beagle. A fine and private place.-

It kind of reminded me of a part of me. That's so sad...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

About Life...

I just talked on the phone with one of my best friends. She told me about how a couple of guys broke into the clinic she works on when she was alone, and how they beat her up and tried to choke her to death with a cable. They even didnt took the money, they just stole a laptop... She survived and she's doing pretty well, all things considered.

I am not going to talk about the fucked up human beings that did that to her. Or about all the madness and craziness we are living in or the hatred and fear that seem to be the core of our society. I want to talk about Life. I want to talk about Love. I want to talk about how much I love her and how scared I was that I almost lost her... in just one second. And how I believe that no matter how miserable and evil a person might seem, that person is just trying to repair himself, and doing the best he can do with what he has.

It is funny... what I felt mostly when I was talking to her was this strange sensation that started to spread from my heart to my chest and all of my body... and I realized that it was Love. Love for this life that is so fragile and precious, for this instant, for the air that I am breathing, that keeps me alive... this breath of life that is like the tides, like the waves...

And I remembered this:
"...it's hard to stay mad, when there's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once, and it's too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst...and then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain. And I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life..."
-American Beauty-

I realize now that I've been letting the routine and the everyday life take the Magic away from me... How right Jung was when he talked about synchronicity. My soul is stirring after a long time of numbness. I am waking up again now. I can feel how Life is returning to this desolate land I've been walking on somewhere inside of me.

It's time to reconnect. Time to wake up.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Oh, not again...

You've honestly got to be kidding me. Again? We are going through the same fucking thing again? Come on!!! LEARN godammit!!! Stop doing that!!! So much drama... just stop acting like children...

I am not a part of you, I'm not one of your limbs. I am a separate individual who, really, has things to do. Nothing's going to happen if I can't go! GOD!!! *frustrated sigh*

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A sigh from the soul...

Our story isn't making me happy anymore :( In fact, it's just making me feel more miserable *sigh* It isn't supposed to do that...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Exactly the way I've been feeling...

Staind - Pardon Me

I'm one stop from a breakdown
Two steps from being safe
Just try to see this through

I'm three steps from this nightmare
And four steps from the door
The rest is up to you

Pardon me while I just turn my back and walk away
Pardon me if I can't listen to the things you say
Pardon me if I can't fake it while you still believe
Pardon me

I'm one step from forgiveness
And two steps from my grave
We're all just passing through

Three steps from redemption
Four from the devil's door
On a path that leads to you

Pardon me while I just turn my back and walk away
Pardon me if I can't listen to the things you say
Pardon me if I can't fake it while you still believe
Pardon me

Pardon me while I just turn my back and walk away
Pardon me if I can't listen to the things you say
Pardon me if I can't fake it while you still believe
Pardon me

I'm two steps from salvation
But i'm only taking one
Pardon me

Saturday, January 31, 2009

My house...

I sometimes feel like this house is dead and the ones that live in it are just shadows of human beings who walk around like zombies and take that deadness outside with them wherever they go. And there we go, walking around and around, not talking to each other, each inside their own bubble of bitterness and frustration, unable to reach out inside each other's space and look into our eyes.

I sometimes feel like I'm dying in this house; like I only get to watch Life passing by my window... watch it burst into colors and dance and sparkling butterflies taking sunbaths... but never allowed to join in the fun.

I have been feeling for a while now that this house is not my home anymore... It doesn't feel like that anymore...

I sometimes feel like I'm fading away, vanishing... becoming a ghost, trapped inside here for eternity, like The Others. Never allowed to leave, never allowed to smile or love or kiss or scream or cry or get mad or talk or dance or make love and let myself go... never allowed, never allowed, never allowed not even to breathe...

...not even to live...

Friday, January 9, 2009

Me doy cuenta de que me faltas...

Me doy cuenta de que me faltas
y de que te busco entre las gentes, en el ruido,
pero todo es inútil.
Cuando me quedo solo
me quedo más solo
solo por todas partes y por ti y por mí.
No hago sino esperar.
Esperar todo el día hasta que no llegas.
Hasta que me duermo
y no estás y no has llegado
y me quedo dormido
y terriblemente cansado
Amor, todos los días.
Aquí a mi lado, junto a mí, haces falta.
Puedes empezar a leer esto
y cuando llegues aquí empezar de nuevo.
Cierra estas palabras como un círculo,
como un aro, échalo a rodar, enciéndelo.
Estas cosas giran en torno a mí igual que moscas,
en mi garganta como moscas en un frasco.
Yo estoy arruinado.
Estoy arruinado de mis huesos,
todo es pesadumbre.

- Jaime Sabines -

Monday, January 5, 2009

Starting a new year...

So, the first post of this year and here I am, a wounded, angry wolf hiding in the deep of the forest, screaming to the heavens for the lack of meaning of everything, howling to the moon for consolation.

I feel sometimes in the center of it all how just a another turn of my thoughts would make everything fall into place, and then everything would make sense... but it's so frustrating when it doesn't happen, that I can't seem to make it happen and I just linger here and diminish with every passing second.

No one is going to save me... that's what I keep repeating over and over again... but why not? Why does it have to be like this? Just because it is it doesn't mean it should be. Something is so wrong but I can't see what it is, I don't know, I don't know...

Just save me, save me, please... I need you so badly...