Sunday, June 24, 2007

Drunken problem

I have a little problem. I have to make an exercise for my novel workshop about the internal monologue of a drunken character who, for any reason I can think of, has lost the love of his/her life. I have no issues with internal monologues; the thing is, I have no idea how a drunken person thinks, having never been really drunk myself.
Now, a lot of ideas come into my mind, but they come from movies or TV, or real drunks I have seen during my life, but (another one) I haven't been inside their minds. I can write about how they talk, which may very well be exactly the same thing as how they think. After all, they say that children and drunks always tell the truth, so, maybe what they say is exactly what they are thinking.
So, if you, my kind reader, have ever been drunk and broken-hearted at the same time, I could use your help. Thanks a lot! Your experience is invaluable to me. ;)

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