Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Wolf in a cage...

I've been feeling restless these last weeks. And a little confused. A series of unfortunate (or fortunate) events forced me to look at my own reflection and I didn't like what I saw at all. It shattered my beliefs, my self-image, and I've been trying to reconstruct myself since then. Not an easy thing to do.

I have this anxiety crawling in my stomach that comes and goes... like I knew, somehow, that after everything that has happened, something is going change soon, a big change in my life, a good one. Yes, maybe it's more like expectation. I feel like a wolf trapped inside a cage that is now too small for her. I walk from side to side, looking for a way out, yearning to run free across the forests, under the Moon, howling like a wild woman.

And on top of everything, a pair of blue eyes has crawled inside my dreams lately. But they seem so far away, those blue eyes. And so inviting and worth exploring. I really want to plunge into them and let myself go. They make me want to do crazy things, hehehe. Let's see what happens. Maybe it's time for an adventure.

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