Sunday, July 29, 2007

Monday, July 23, 2007

Extremely happy and satisfied!!!!!

Ok, maybe you won't think the reason I'm in this state right now is too big of a deal but... I just finished reading the LAST book of the Harry Potter series and I must say: IT IS AMAZING!!! GLORIOUS!!!! I bow at your feet, J.K.Rowling!!! You have done a masterpiece and blasted up all my expectations!!!!

I don't want to say anything about the contents of the book because maybe you, dear reader, are a fan and haven't finished the book or don't have it yet and I don't want to spoil the pleasure of finding out by yourself the end of the story. (By the way, is anyone actually reading this blog at all???? It wouldn't hurt if you left a message once in a while, you know?)

And yes, it was a pleasure reading this book - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - a pleasure full of laughter and grief and tears and excitement and thrill, and moments when I actually said aloud "NOOOOO!!!!"" or "WHAT THE HELL????" or "YES!!!". I loved this book. Can't you tell? hahaha. I have to go... I want to read it again.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Just talking

I think I am a little crazy. Of course, we all are in our own unique way, which is wonderful, unless it becomes something pathological. But that's not something for me to talk about. I say I am a little crazy because I like to say it; I like how it sounds. I like the way I see my world, the way I create my universe. I want magic in my life, to be able to sense the flows and interconnections that surrounds us and link us with each other and everything else on the universe.

I want meaning. I don't care about things that don't mean something to me, that don't touch my heart or set my soul on fire. I need motivation or else, I lose interest very quickly. But love is different... since love is the energy most meaningful in my life and sets my entire being on fire, once I love someone, I am the most loyal and constant companion. And many other things. ;)

But why am I talking about this? Hmmm...

Ahh, who cares? If you want to know what would make me fall in love with someone, I'm not gonna tell you. You'll have to find out by yourself.

I'll have to wait and see what life has in store for me.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Annoyed and sad...

I really really hate it when people say they are going to do something and then don't do it. Why do they do that? If they can't, why can't they say so? Or if they don't want to or don't intend to do it, why say it in the first place? It's really annoying and the worst part is that you stop believing in their word. And that is a sad thing to happen when you care about someone.
ARGGGHHH!! It makes me mad!!!!

And the fact that I am feeling extremely vulnerable right now only makes it worse. My grandma died last week and I'm still in shock. I feel so weird, so... I don't know. It feels like the dam is threatening to break inside of me but it doesn't break. I cannot cry.